What is the Big Bike Revival?

August 23, 2024

If you have been following our blog, you know that we are very passionate about getting more people on bikes, and we are big fans of initiatives that do that. Cycling and active travel have the power and potential to improve individual lives but are also a transformative force for building developments, neighbourhoods and entire cities. Fewer cars on the road and more people using alternative transport are beneficial for all of us, and we are here for all well-thought-out initiatives that take us a step closer. This is why we wanted to explore and write an article about the Big Bike Revival.

If you’ve ever wondered how to make cycling a bigger part of your life, or if you’re looking for a way to get your old bike back on the road, the Big Bike Revival might be precisely what you need. This nationwide initiative in the UK is all about making cycling more accessible, enjoyable, and safe for everyone. It is a project that helps thousands every year to feel confident enough to take up cycling more often.

What Is The Big Bike Revival

The Big Bike Revival celebrated its 10th birthday in 2024. Cycling UK launched it with a simple but powerful goal: to get more people cycling. The project aims to help people discover the benefits of cycling, from improving personal health and well-being to reducing environmental impact.

Over the years, the initiative has grown significantly and expanded its reach across the UK. It has been a great way to engage thousands of people through workshops, events, and community activities. The program typically runs in the spring and autumn, with each season bringing a new wave of events aimed at encouraging more people to get involved in cycling.

The Big Bike Revival targets all adults, whether complete beginners or just a bit rusty, and rarely cycling. The initiative welcomes anyone to join and aims to help people who might find it hard to start cycling, such as adults on low incomes, women, people from diverse ethnic backgrounds, and anyone struggling to meet physical activity guidelines.

Why Is The Big Bike Revival Important?

Air pollution, traffic, congestion, and insufficient mobility-related illnesses are skyrocketing in most developed countries. We have become very car-reliant, and cities, neighbourhoods and streets are often built with a car-first design. Cycling UK reports that only 2% of journeys in England are currently done by bike. Cycling is a great way to counteract these issues – it helps improve your physical and mental health and reduce stress, air pollution, traffic and personal transport costs.

Cycling and active travel, overall, need to be encouraged, and the Big Bike Revival is doing exactly that – removing some of the barriers people face when considering alternative transport like cycling. People who don’t bike regularly often lack confidence, fear going into traffic, or worry that they don’t even have simple repair and maintenance skills. The Big Bike Revival addresses all of these worries with free workshops on maintenance, local cycling routes, cycling skills and knowledge, as well as organised group rides.

How It Works

The Big Bike Revival operates through a series of local events and workshops organised in partnership with community groups, charities, and local councils. These usually include different zones and events taking place over a few hours.

There can be a free bike check and repairs zone. Many events offer free or low-cost bike checks and minor repairs. These sessions are perfect for those with a bike that’s been sitting in the garage for a while, as mechanics help ensure it’s safe and roadworthy. Maintenance workshops are another great part of the event as they teach you how to take care of your bike and do basic fixes like a puncture, adjusting brakes, and overall how to keep your bike in good condition.

There are also cycling skills workshops that aim to get you cycle-ready. They can be for complete beginners and help you learn to ride with confidence or for people who have the basics but aren’t confident cycling on their own yet. They cover things like safe positioning, routes, and how to be part of traffic without any issues.

One of the best parts is that you can also participate in guided rides, which really help build confidence, especially for new or returning cyclists. These rides are led by experienced cyclists who can offer tips on road safety, navigation, and riding in a group.

Why Get Involved?

The Big Bike Revival is more than just a series of events; it’s a movement that encourages healthier, more sustainable lifestyles. By getting involved, you can (re)discover your love for cycling. Regardless of age or ability, you can learn new skills like bike maintenance or how to ride confidently. Being part of this program also means joining a community and connecting with others who are either passionate about cycling or in the same boat as you and willing to learn and explore. Cycling, one of the most environmentally friendly forms of transport, allows you to contribute to a greener future.

How to Get Involved

Getting involved in the Big Bike Revival is easy. You can go on Cycling UK’s site and find a local event near you. Once you’ve located the event, go along and check it out, and if you’re feeling good, why not even join a guided ride if one is happening?

On the other hand, if you are a cyclist, you may want to check for volunteering opportunities to share your love for cycling with others.

The Big Bike Revival is an excellent way to make cycling a bigger part of your life and your community. Whether you’re looking to fix up an old bike, learn new skills, or simply enjoy the benefits of cycling, this initiative offers plenty of opportunities to get involved. So why not take the first step and see how the Big Bike Revival can help you get back on two wheels?

Bike Dock Solutions Team

Bike Dock Solutions is the UK's leading supplier of Bike Shelters, Bike Racks and other Bike Storage. Follow us on LinkedIn.