Accredited as the most dynamic building in London, The Shard is a reminder of the power of imagination. Its architect Renzo Piano stated that he set out to ‘create a vertical city, for thousands of people to work in and enjoy, and for millions to take to their heart.’
The creation boasts being the tallest building in Western Europe and is comprised of residences, a hotel, offices, restaurants and shops. Its specification consists of 56,000 square metres of glass, 95% of the materials used to construct the building were recycled, 44 lifts and each shard stands alone allowing the building to breathe.
Like with most projects, bicycle parking is last to go in. With the completion date of early 2013 looming-Bike Dock Solutions were approached to provide bespoke two tier bike racks for the Shard. Bike Dock Solutions were chosen as supplier partly as they were the only supplier to be able to meet the 3 week turnaround for a bespoke two tier rack design before the red ribbon was cut-with 166 two tier racks being installed within this lead time.
Managing Director Alastair Worlidge quoted ‘to contribute to a project that was so refined and was 13 years in duration from planning to completion was an honour. Designers inspected our products at various locations before selecting us as their preferred supplier and this was a huge compliment. We are very proud as a company to have such a prestigious project under our belt.’
For our two tier rack design or any of your bicycle parking requirements visit